(Kosher) Food For Thought

Musings from NU Hillel's Campus Rabbi

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Location: Evanston, IL, United States

Monday, February 20, 2006

One of Butz's comrades admits his errors in court--again

Irving admits Holocaust 'mistake'
The timing really couldn't be any better. We can quibble about whether or not it's a good idea for Holocaust denial to be illegal in Europe, but we can't argue about the truth. Seems neither can David Irving anymore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The difference though is that Irving is in Austria and we are in the US. Tell me this, O wise rabbi, what is the line between free speech and a crime? This matter is both really simple and really complicated all at once. That's important to acknowledge. We want to preserve the right to free speech in our country and want people to be able to be creative and thnk outside the box. We also believe that people should take a stand and stand up for what they believe in. Our country is full of dreamers... (microsoft and google are the product of dreamers -LOL) and the real changes in our world have come about from people following some inspiration. At the same time though... we don't want people to be offensive.

Butz's comments shouldn't be on a university website. His propaganda shouldn't be legitimized by his university affiiliation. It surprises me that the university's great donors the Feinbergs (Feinberg School of Meidcine) the Weinbergs (collge of arts and sciences) the Crowns (Crown Sports Pavilion and Aquatic Center) don't care that the university has got this man sheltered... why don't they care?

And if they do care, why aren't they protesting the university... they ought to be putting pressure on the administration to fire Butz. Someone said to me last week that Jews are scared little children under the table. We will sign petitions, but we don't make noises.. No wonder the Arab Muslims get attention and win media battles. ...and THAT is why Israel has to justify her existence, because we Jews have learned that we are better off donating money and making nice. Just sit there and look pretty ...

9:26 AM  

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